2024 WV Sheriffs’ Conference

2024 West Virginia Sheriffs’ Conference Sept 8-10, 2024

The 2024 Annual Conference of the West Virginia Sheriffs’ Association has been set for September 8-10, 2024, and is set for The Canaan Valley Resort and Conference Center, Tucker County, 230 Main Lodge Rd, Davis, WV 26260 and more information on the location can be found at www.canaanresort.com.  This Conference is in conjunction with the WV State Auditor, and training called for in WV Code by the Auditor’s Office.

Registration is now open at this time for Sheriffs and Sheriff’s Office staff.  Information has been forwarded by email from the WV State Auditor’s Office. For Sheriffs and Sheriff’s Office staff, you should have received notice directly from the Office of the State Auditor for registration and rooming information.  You are also forwarded the same information coming from the WV Sheriffs’ Association under separate email cover. When receiving the notice, we suggest that you reserve as soon as possible to avoid any delays and that you get preferred rooming assignments.

For partners, sponsors and vendors interested in participating in this year’s conference, you may find the below links to a vendor letter as well and a link for a conference vendor registration form.  We welcome those trusted partners with the WVSA to join us during this time.  The room block at Canaan Valley Resort is under the control and direction of the WV State Auditor’s Office and will be opened by their office as soon as possible.

If you have any questions, feel free to email Executive Director Rodney Miller at WVSheriffs@gmail.com and we will do the best we can to accommodate you and your organization.

Vendor Letter and Vendor Registration Forms are shown in below attachments.

Notice for all vendors:  The WV Sheriffs’ Association Annual Conference and the WV Code mandated Annual Training by the Office of the West Virginia State Auditor is a collaboration of two events that work together to offer the best opportunities for training and networking with others from around West Virginia.  With this collaboration the WVSA and the WVSAO respect parameters set by either organization.  The training sessions prescribed by WV Code fall under the requirements and guidelines of the WV State Auditor’s Office and based upon past training sessions, the following policy has been put into effect for those sessions by the WVSAO, which we should clarify in advance.  This is applicable to training sessions and is separate from business and other meetings held solely by the WVSA.  Thank you for your cooperation.

Attendance Policy for Training Events Conducted by the West Virginia State Auditor’s Office: The West Virginia State Auditor’s Office provides training for many different groups. This training is targeted to a specific group of attendees, for instance, county or municipal officials. However, there are times when others may wish to attend such as interested constituents, consultants, commodity vendors, and service providers. All are welcome to attend our training events if we have available space. To attend, everyone must preregister, pay any associated registration costs and obtain registration credentials once they are on‐site. During the training sessions, any dialogue will be limited to members of the targeted audience and presenters only. Any other attendees not in the specific group must wait until after the presentation and any subsequent question and answer session is completed to address the presenters. This dialog must have prior approval by the presenter(s). Any questions concerning this policy should be directed to: ora.ash@wvsao.gov.

Door prizes, gifts, or giveaways provided to public officials and employees attending our training events must be given within the guidelines established by the West Virginia Ethics Commission (https://ethics.wv.gov/)

LODGING: Reserve Lodging Here Rate: $107.00/night          Deadline: August 19, 2024
Enter Check In/Out Dates; Add Group ID: 1053I4 *** (Use the letter I before the last number 4)***
Be sure to choose “Add Special Code” and copy and paste the Group ID 1053I4 to get the rates. Select Room Type and enter contact information Check-In: 4:00 pm Check-Out: 11:00 am
You have two convenient options for reserving a room at Canaan Valley Resort. You can either utilize the reservation link or contact Canaan Valley Resort directly at 304-866-4121, extension 7701, especially if you need to arrive earlier or require a cabin. When reaching out, mention either the training name or the group code 1053I5. To ensure state tax is removed from your hotel folio, bring your tax-exempt form!

2024 Conf Vendor Ltr

2024 WVSA Conf Vendor Reg Form